CC BY-NC-ND license applies to my works presented on this site and any other source where it can be found.
If you are interested in commercial use please contact me so we can arrange terms of use and pricing.
If you used or shared my image I require to inform me about where and how it was used.
If you repost my imagery in social media I require to mention my authorship in a visible place and not in a hashtag or other tag.
I don't agree to share my photos in places, websites, videos, social medias and etc. where my imagery can be perceived as a bait to lure viewers/followers and receive income from an advertisement. If you are going to use images to promote my photography or to educate others and your actions are paid by some kind of an advertisement I agree as long as my image is not a part of that advertisement.
It is forbidden to submit my images to any kind of photo contest or similar events. I don't agree for any submission of my images (modified or not) to stock sites or any other selling platforms.
My photos found as a result of searching with image search engine (like for example Google images) are not excluded from any of above.
Note: Copyright is registered and I will be bringing an action for money damages for any kind of infringement.